我寫了一篇中文草稿 想請大大們幫我翻成英文 內容如下: 我拍賣的是由五月天阿信和不二良所設計的StayReal服飾 *產品名稱:StayReal認真活 *產品類型:黑色短袖中性T恤 *大小:S~XL *價格:NT$890 *聯絡電話:04-2532-2755 *E-MIAL:StayReal@YAHOO。COM。TW *除了設計的創意,StayReal也重視T恤對身型的修飾效果, 與穿著的舒適度。歡迎你到各授權販售店實際試穿,感受屬於自己的StayReal 由於我的英文很爛 所以翻不出來英文 請各位大大幫幫忙吧 謝謝 更新: 五月天阿信英文: mayday’s Ashin 不二良英文: no2good 更新 2: 不二良的英文我也不太確定 只是他的網誌帳號 是 no2good 我覺得應該就是了吧 看起來也很像
我拍賣的是由五月天阿信和不二良所設計的StayReal服飾 The colthes I auction are designed by mayday’s Ashin &no2good *產品名稱:StayReal認真活 Name: Stay Real (live earnestly) *產品類型:黑色短袖中性T恤 Form:Black T-shirt both men and women can wear *大小:S~XL Size:S~XL *價格:NT$890 Price:NT$890 *聯絡電話:04-2532-2755 Telephone:04-2532-2755 *E-MIAL:StayReal@YAHOO。COM。TW *除了設計的創意,StayReal也重視T恤對身型的修飾效果, 與穿著的舒適度。歡迎你到各授權販售店實際試穿,感受屬於自己的StayReal Except the creativity of its design, StayReal also emphasis whether it embellish the body curve and let people feel comfortable or not. Welcome to try on in every authorized shop , and experience your own Stay Real.
*產品名稱:StayReal認真活 * Product range: StayReal earnestly lives *產品類型:黑色短袖中性T恤 * the product type: Black short sleeve neutrality T.Pities *大小:S~XL * size: S ~X L *價格:NT$890 * price: NT $ 890 *聯絡電話:04-2532-2755 * talk-backs: 04 - 2,532 - 2,755 *E-MIAL:StayReal@YAHOO。COM。TW * E - M I A L: S tay R eal @ Y A H O O. C O M. T W 以上就是我的意見希望你會用的上 2008-06-07 20:39:57 補充: *除了設計的創意,StayReal也重視T恤對身型的修飾效果, 與穿著的舒適度。歡迎你到各授權販售店實際試穿,感受屬於自己的StayReal 2008-06-07 20:40:00 補充: *除了設計的創意,StayReal也重視T恤對身型的修飾效果, 與穿著的舒適度。歡迎你到各授權販售店實際試穿,感受屬於自己的StayReal|||||這 I auction off of by May a 阿 letter and not two StayReal dresses that design*the product name:the StayReal hard lives*the product type:the neutral T 恤 of the black short sleeve*size:S~XL*price:NT$890* contacts the telephone:04-2532-2755* E-MIAL:StayReal@YAHOO.COM.TW*in addition to the creativity that design, the StayReal also values the T 恤's modifier result for the body type with the comfort for wear.Welcome you to sell the actual fitting of the store to each authorization, feel the StayReal that belongs to the oneself|||||Content as follows: I auction am the StayReal clothing * product range which and two good does not design by the May day Arab League letter: StayReal earnestly lives * the product type: Black short sleeve neutrality T.恤 * size: S □X L * price: NT $ 890 * talk-backs: 04 - 2,532 - 2,755 * E - M I A L: S tay R eal @ Y A H O O. C O M. T WCEE950A255C9C3B3