- 台北去九份, 十份的應該點安排一天---@1@
- 我想問我既姻緣-@1@
- 小 豬 是 否 今 年 10 月 出 碟 -@1@
- 運程..愛情..事業..各樣怎樣呀-^.^"
- 閃字製作 Ulead GIF Animator 5.05
- 台北去九份, 十份的應該點安排一天---@1@
- 我想問我既姻緣-@1@
- 小 豬 是 否 今 年 10 月 出 碟 -@1@
- 運程..愛情..事業..各樣怎樣呀-^.^"
- 閃字製作 Ulead GIF Animator 5.05
chem 07會考題問題
我唔明點解07年 42題會係 D.. 3果個明明係一樣既functional group 但點解會有condensation polymerization? 仲有25題.點解3係對.我睇過解題.佢話so3^2-會變成so2..唔係變so4^2-咩..唔識呀..有冇人教下我><: chem07 http:>
When an acid is added to a compond of suphite(either solid or solution), SO2 is produced: SO3 2- + 2H+ ------>SO2 + H2O for 42 note that both have double functional group (key feature for condensation to occur) 1) -COOH carboxylic acid group 2) -NH2 amine group they are amino acids, the polymer is just polypeptide the proton from amine group combines with the -OH with the carboxylic acid group i guess it is better to have explaination with diagram see wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amino_acid#Peptide_bond_formation Peptide bond formation the diagram on the right hand side