in class a 40%of student pass the mathematic test hold class have 35 students it is know that 60%of class b students pass the mathematic test is it true that the overall passing percentage of two class must be 50%? explain your ans
in class a 40%of student pass the mathematic test hold class have 35 students it is know that 60%of class b students pass the mathematic test is it true that the overall passing percentage of two class must be 50%? explain your ans 梗係唔啱, 要知道埋 class b 有幾多學生, 假設 40 個 即 (40)(60%) = 24 pass class a 有 (35)(40%) = 14 pass 共 75 同學, 38 pass 38 / 75 * 100% = 50.67% 唔等於 50% 明未?
假設Class B總人數為 Y 14+0.6Y/35+Y = 50% Y=35 Class B 人數同樣為35人 Class B 合格人數為35*0.6 = 21 Class A 合格人數為35*0.5 = 14 Overall Pass rate 21+14/35+35 = 50% 2007-09-09 18:05:02 補充: 先決條件係若Class B人數同樣為35人.則可以證實係50%